상단 로고



Katharine (FS1050-FS1051)

The rimless sunglasses with a charming feature of light wear of 20g.


Katharine(FS1050-FS1051) series is the rimless sunglasses that graft a rimless combination structure to a slim titanium front. As a silhouette of a cutting line of a lens and a bridge split into two ways are well harmonized, so the elegant and luxurious mood is created. By combining a lens to a titanium front with a rimless method, it is stronger than the existed rimless sunglasses and lighter than general frame sunglasses. By applying the brand’s symbol to a nut connected to an end piece and the brand’s pattern to a line connected from a bridge and a tip, it expresses the philosophy of the brand and adds classical flavor at the same time.

Katharine(FS1050-FS1051) series is inspired by Katharine Hepburn who appeared in Hollywood in 1930s, and affected to a change of perceptions of American women in the 20th century. The sunglasses follow her attitude that she wore pants as her will although society was not favorable, and refused to obey what society needed women to.

Katharine(FS1050-FS1051) series is composed of elegant and chic Boston front and Wellington front. A curved nose pad and a streamlined water-drop-shaped tip developed through research for a better feeling of wearing give both stable sense of wearing and stylishness.

* There are 3 colors in FS1050, and 4 colors in FS1051. 


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